I flagged down a cab this morning going to office. The name of the cab is Shiro which according to the cab driver was named after the owner who is a Japanese. Anyway, I was surprised because in my entire existence as an urban dweller, it’s my first time ever to ride a cab that issues a ticket or a receipt, I usually see rate meter. I know that it’s not something new for I have seen one on print ads and TV but to have actually seen the bill printed on a receipt, that’s amazing! And the fare was just right, no rip off, same as the amount that I usually pay. I showed the ticket to my officemates,"my first cab ticket",i said in amusement..."Wow hi-tech!"
A collection head overheard my story and asked if she can get the telephone number of the cab’s company. She muses that this should be the type of cab that collection officers flag down when visiting collection agency. Transportation costs will be aptly reimbursed! Yeah, she’s right! I wonder if taxi companies in the Metro are willing to put in such apparatus, it wound mean extra cost on cab operators. Of course on the part of commuters like me, it’s beneficial! It will prevent taxi driver from ripping off fares and I would say it’s safer ‘coz you have the address and plate number printed on the receipt... Hey, I wouldn’t mind giving extra tip if the driver is courteous! :)